
Flybmi offers 10 departures a week from a range of European airports to different destinations. On weekdays (excl. Fridays) - we offer 1 flight at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. On weekends, we offer a minimum of two flights. Please see below for our current schedule of different departures:


East Midlands Airport (EMA) —> Skiathos International Airport (JSI)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.


London Heathrow Airport (LHR) —> Teesside International Airport (MME)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.


Edinburgh International Airport (EDI) —> Las Palmas International Airport (LPA)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.

This flight is currently impacted by cancellations. Please see our Discord server for further information on alternative routes.


East Midlands Airport (EMA) —> Skiathos International Airport (JSI)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.


London Heathrow Airport (LHR) —> Teesside International Airport (MME)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.

Edinburgh International Airport (EDI) —> Las Palmas International Airport (LPA)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.

This flight is currently impacted by cancellations. Please see our Discord server for further information on alternative routes.


East Midlands Airport (EMA) —> Skiathos International Airport (JSI)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.

London Heathrow Airport (LHR) —> Teesside International Airport (MME)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.


Edinburgh International Airport (EDI) —> Las Palmas International Airport (LPA)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.

This flight is currently impacted by cancellations. Please see our Discord server for further information on alternative routes.

East Midlands Airport (EMA) —> Skiathos International Airport (JSI)
Check-in for this flight opens at 17:30 UK/Ireland time. Check our Discord server for regional times for flight procedures.